First Logistics Company's founder has headed the Committee on Business Development

A structural subdivision of the Association of Taxpayers of Ukraine — the Committee on Business Development — was created.

On February 5, 2019, the Committee on Business Development was set up by the decision of the Board of the SBI of the APPU. The Committee was headed by a member of the SBI of the APPU, a businessman, Maxim Shkil.

The task of the Committee will be to promote the development of the business environment in Ukraine, to establish effective interaction between business and government in order to optimally combine their interests in the context of "strong business is a strong state", to promote the improvement of legislation on business issues, licensing, preparation of proposals for the elimination of legal, administrative, economic and organizational obstacles to the development of entrepreneurship, promotion of small business, advisory and information support system the promotion of work aimed at the formation, development and cooperation of small and medium-sized enterprises, expansion of their sphere of activity, identification of urgent issues or urgent problems of members of the Association.